Pool Personnel, Inc., is proud to offer turnkey pool management to community and private membership pools in the Potomac, Bethesda and Rockville areas.
Because we focus on only a small geographic area, we are able to provide greater oversight at each pool on a daily basis. With headquarters in Potomac, we are less than ten miles from every facility that we manage, meaning we can be hands-on with each staff daily and respond to any emergencies quickly.
Beginning as soon as the weather starts to warm, we take care of everything you can possibly need to provide a clean, safe and welcoming pool environment. At every facility we manage we take responsibility for getting the pool ready to open, including but not limited to cleaning, filling and readying the pool; obtaining necessary permits; scheduling pre-opening inspection; power washing deck surfaces as needed; and cleaning and setting up furniture and bathhouse facilities. Upon opening, we provide fully certified staffing comprised of employees from the immediate area. At the close of the season, we take great care in preparing the facility for the harsh winters we often face.
In addition, we will complete or, when necessary, arrange for contractors to complete more extensive repairs and renovations and manage the project for you. When requested, we arrange for trash service, landscaping service, payroll service for members of the coaching staff, and provide lesson instruction. Essentially, we tailor the management experience so that those who volunteer at the pool can put all worry aside and let us handle everything.